GitLab Community Edition 15.0.5-ce.0

Get JSON file

Library Version License Status Reason
acme-client 2.0.9 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ruby 2.7.5 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
alertmanager v0.23.0 APACHE-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
bundler 2.3.15 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rubygems 3.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
bzip2 1.0.8 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
zlib v1.2.12 Zlib acceptable Acceptable license
openssl OpenSSL_1_1_1o OpenSSL acceptable Acceptable license
cacerts 2021.09.30 MPL-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
chef-acme v4.1.3 Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
acme-client 2.0.9 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
compat_resource v12.19.1 Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
chef-bin 15.17.4 Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
ruby 2.7.5 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
rubygems 3.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
chef-gem 15.17.4 Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
ruby 2.7.5 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
rubygems 3.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
libffi 3.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rb-readline master BSD-3-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
chef-zero 15.0.7 Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
ruby 2.7.5 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
rubygems 3.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
compat_resource v12.19.1 Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
config_guess c9092d05347c925a26f6887980e185206e13f9d6 GPL-3.0 (with exception) acceptable Whitelisted software
curl curl-7_79_1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
zlib v1.2.12 Zlib acceptable Acceptable license
openssl OpenSSL_1_1_1o OpenSSL acceptable Acceptable license
libtool 2.4.6 GPL-2.0 acceptable Whitelisted software
docker-distribution-pruner v0.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
exiftool 12.42 GPL-1.0 or Artistic acceptable Whitelisted software
git v15.0.5 GPL-2.0 acceptable Whitelisted software
zlib v1.2.12 Zlib acceptable Acceptable license
openssl OpenSSL_1_1_1o OpenSSL acceptable Acceptable license
curl curl-7_79_1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
pcre2 pcre2-10.37 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
libiconv 1.15 LGPL-2.1 acceptable Acceptable license
gitaly v15.0.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
pkg-config-lite 0.28-1 GPL-2.0 acceptable Whitelisted software
bundler 2.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rubygems 3.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
libicu release-57-1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
actionpack MIT acceptable Acceptable license
actionview MIT acceptable Acceptable license
activesupport MIT acceptable Acceptable license
addressable 2.7.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
builder 3.2.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
charlock_holmes 0.7.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
concurrent-ruby 1.1.10 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
crass 1.0.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
dotenv 2.7.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
erubi 1.10.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
escape_utils 1.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
faraday 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ffi 1.15.3 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
gemojione 3.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
github-linguist 7.12.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
github-markup 1.7.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-gollum-lib MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-gollum-rugged_adapter MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-labkit 0.21.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-license_finder MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-markup 1.7.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
google-protobuf 3.19.1 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
googleapis-common-protos-types 1.3.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
grpc 1.42.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
i18n 1.10.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
jaeger-client 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
json 2.5.1 ruby acceptable Acceptable license
licensee 9.14.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
loofah 2.16.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mime-types 3.3.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mime-types-data 3.2020.1104 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mini_mime 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mini_portile2 2.8.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
minitest 5.15.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
msgpack 1.3.3 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
multipart-post 2.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
nokogiri 1.13.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
octokit 4.20.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
opentracing 0.5.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
optimist 3.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
pg_query 2.1.1 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
public_suffix 4.0.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
racc 1.6.0 Simplified BSD, ruby acceptable Acceptable license
rack 2.2.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rack-test 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rails-dom-testing 2.0.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rails-html-sanitizer 1.4.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rbtrace 0.4.14 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rdoc 6.3.2 ruby acceptable Acceptable license
redis 4.4.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
reverse_markdown 1.4.0 WTFPL acceptable Acceptable license
rexml 3.2.5 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
rouge 3.27.0 MIT, Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
rubyzip 2.3.2 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
rugged 1.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sanitize 6.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sawyer 0.8.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sentry-raven 3.0.4 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
stringex 2.8.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
thor 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
thrift 0.15.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
tomlrb 2.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
tzinfo 2.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
with_env 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
xml-simple 1.1.9 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
zeitwerk 2.5.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.92.2 Apache 2.0, New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.1.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.15.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.1.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.13.8 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.2.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.13.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v14.2.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.11.18 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.9.13 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.3.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.2.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.6.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.38.35 Apache 2.0, New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.3.0 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.3.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v2.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.2.2 New BSD acceptable Whitelisted software v0.0.0-20201118023556-2819c83ced99 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20190719114852-fd7a80b32e1f Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v22.3.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.1.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20170608043002-7fe510aff544 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.4.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20190506202455-c2c609116ad0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20171225071031-5c06ee8586a1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.12.0 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license v3.2.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.13.0 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.5.1-0.20210304194248-2e1d981afbe3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v2.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20180525200031-e0e9ca483a18 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v4.3.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.5.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v5.1.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v5.3.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v5.0.4 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.3.2 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.5.2 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.5.6 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210804190019-f964ff605595 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.2.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.5.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v2.0.5 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.3.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.2.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.1 Mozilla Public License 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.5.4 Mozilla Public License 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210316155119-a95892c5f864 Mozilla Public License 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20181029133204-ca9f730cac5b MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.3.12 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v2.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v2.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20200714003250-2b9c44734f2b MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.9.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v4.14.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20150711004518-d14ea06fba99 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.4.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20201106050909-4977a11b4351 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20190104134018-ecaeb7a21d47 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v33.0.9 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.14 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20151014174947-eeaced052adb MIT acceptable Acceptable license v2.0.2 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20171002115256-78ecb04241c0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.2 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.2.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.8.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.9.1 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.12.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.2.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.32.1 Apache 2.0, New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.7.3 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20191213152630-06338513c237 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20170927163412-787959303086 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.5.2 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license v2.0.1 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210106013422-671bd2870b3a MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.1.0 Apache 2.0, MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20170808115208-59829097ff3b MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.8.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.7.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v2.29.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v2.4.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.3.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.68.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.9.8-0.20210720163109-50da611814d2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.14.0 MIT, Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.23.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.7.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.1.10 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.23.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210921155107-089bfa567519 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20200331195152-e8c3332aa8e5 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20220425223048-2871e0cb64e4 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210805134026-6f1e6394065a New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210220032951-036812b2e83c New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20220503163025-988cb79eb6c6 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.3.7 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20220224211638-0e9765cccd65 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20200804184101-5ec99f83aff1 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.8.2 MIT, New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.54.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210813162853-db860fec028c Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.40.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.28.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.7.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v5.3.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.2 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.1.2 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license v2.4.0 Apache 2.0, MIT acceptable Acceptable license v3.0.0-20200313102051-9f266ea9e77c MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-config-template Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-cookbooks Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-ctl Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
omnibus-ctl Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-exporter 11.11.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ruby 2.7.5 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
rubygems 3.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
postgresql 12.10 PostgreSQL acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-healthcheck 90e6447aeead4a29ac9fffc15945ce6b Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-kas v15.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.100.2 Apache 2.0, New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.6.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.2.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.3.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.3.0 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v2.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v2.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20200823014737-9f7001d12a5f MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.6.7 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.13.0 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.2.3 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.2.3 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v8.11.5 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license v4.4.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.5.2 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.5.8 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20220113144219-d25a53d42d00 Apache 2.0, ISC acceptable Acceptable license v2.3.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.3.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.2.1-0.20200507082539-9abf3eb82b4a Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.5.2 Mozilla Public License 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.7.1 Mozilla Public License 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210316155119-a95892c5f864 Mozilla Public License 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.13.6 Apache 2.0, MIT, New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.2-0.20181231171920-c182affec369 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v2.0.2 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.2.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v4.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.9.1 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.12.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.2.1-0.20200623203004-60555c9708c7 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.32.1 Apache 2.0, New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.7.3 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210106013422-671bd2870b3a MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.8.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.4.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.5 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v2.29.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v2.4.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v14.10.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.14.0 MIT, Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.23.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.7.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.6.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.21.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20220425223048-2871e0cb64e4 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20220411215720-9780585627b5 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20220502124256-b6088ccd6cba New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.3.7 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20220411224347-583f2d630306 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.78.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20220505152158-f39f71e6c8f3 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.46.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.28.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v2.4.0 Apache 2.0, MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.23.5 Apache 2.0, New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v2.60.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20220210201930-3a6ce19ff2f9 Apache 2.0, New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.8.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-pages v1.58.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-psql 7e11364159031db0eb55867ad3d5713b Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-rails v15.0.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
pkg-config-lite 0.28-1 GPL-2.0 acceptable Whitelisted software
bundler 2.3.15 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rubygems 3.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
libxml2 2.9.10 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
libxslt 1.1.32 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
curl curl-7_79_1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rsync 3.1.3 GPL v3 acceptable Whitelisted software
libicu release-57-1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
postgresql 12.10 PostgreSQL acceptable Acceptable license
postgresql_new 13.6 PostgreSQL acceptable Acceptable license
python-docutils 0.16 Public-Domain acceptable Acceptable license
krb5 krb5-1.17 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
registry v3.39.2-gitlab Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
unzip 6.0 Info-ZIP acceptable Acceptable license
libre2 2016-02-01 BSD acceptable Acceptable license
gpgme 2.0.20 LGPL-2.1+ acceptable Acceptable license
graphicsmagick 1.3.36 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
exiftool 12.42 GPL-1.0 or Artistic acceptable Whitelisted software
@ampproject/remapping 2.1.2 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
@apollo/client 3.5.10 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/code-frame 7.16.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/compat-data 7.17.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/core 7.17.8 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/generator 7.17.9 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-annotate-as-pure 7.15.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-builder-binary-assignment-operator-visitor 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-compilation-targets 7.17.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-create-class-features-plugin 7.15.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-create-regexp-features-plugin 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-define-map 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-environment-visitor 7.16.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-explode-assignable-expression 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-function-name 7.17.9 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-get-function-arity 7.16.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-hoist-variables 7.16.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-member-expression-to-functions 7.15.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-module-imports 7.16.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-module-transforms 7.17.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-optimise-call-expression 7.15.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-plugin-utils 7.14.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-regex 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-remap-async-to-generator 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-replace-supers 7.15.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-simple-access 7.17.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-skip-transparent-expression-wrappers 7.15.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-split-export-declaration 7.16.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-validator-identifier 7.16.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-validator-option 7.16.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helper-wrap-function 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/helpers 7.17.8 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/highlight 7.16.10 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/parser 7.17.9 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties 7.14.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-proposal-dynamic-import 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-proposal-json-strings 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator 7.14.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-proposal-numeric-separator 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-catch-binding 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining 7.14.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-proposal-unicode-property-regex 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-syntax-async-generators 7.8.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-syntax-class-properties 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import 7.8.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta 7.10.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-syntax-json-strings 7.8.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-syntax-nullish-coalescing-operator 7.8.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-syntax-numeric-separator 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread 7.8.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-syntax-optional-catch-binding 7.8.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-syntax-optional-chaining 7.8.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-syntax-top-level-await 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-async-to-generator 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-block-scoping 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-classes 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-computed-properties 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-destructuring 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-dotall-regex 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-duplicate-keys 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-for-of 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-function-name 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-literals 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-member-expression-literals 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-modules-amd 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs 7.15.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-modules-systemjs 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex 7.8.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-new-target 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-object-super 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-parameters 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-property-literals 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-regenerator 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-reserved-words 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-spread 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-sticky-regex 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-template-literals 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-typeof-symbol 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-unicode-escapes 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/plugin-transform-unicode-regex 7.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/preset-env 7.10.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/preset-modules 0.1.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/runtime 7.14.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/template 7.16.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/traverse 7.17.9 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@babel/types 7.17.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@braintree/sanitize-url 6.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@discoveryjs/json-ext 0.5.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@gitlab/at.js 1.5.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@gitlab/favicon-overlay 2.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@gitlab/svgs 2.14.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@gitlab/ui 40.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@gitlab/visual-review-tools 1.7.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@graphql-typed-document-node/core 3.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@jridgewell/resolve-uri 3.0.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec 1.4.11 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@jridgewell/trace-mapping 0.3.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@nodelib/fs.scandir 2.1.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@nodelib/fs.stat 2.0.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@nodelib/fs.walk 1.2.8 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@npmcli/move-file 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@nuxt/opencollective 0.3.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@polka/url 1.0.0-next.12 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@popperjs/core 2.11.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@rails/actioncable 6.1.4-7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@rails/ujs 6.1.4-7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@sentry/browser 5.30.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
@sentry/core 5.30.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
@sentry/hub 5.30.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
@sentry/minimal 5.30.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
@sentry/types 5.30.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
@sentry/utils 5.30.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
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@tiptap/extension-superscript 2.0.0-beta.10 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@tiptap/extension-table 2.0.0-beta.48 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@tiptap/extension-table-cell 2.0.0-beta.20 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
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@types/debug 4.1.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@types/estree 0.0.44 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@types/hast 2.3.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
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@types/ms 0.7.31 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@types/node 14.17.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
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@types/parse5 6.0.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@types/prosemirror-commands 1.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@types/prosemirror-dropcursor 1.0.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@types/prosemirror-gapcursor 1.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@types/prosemirror-history 1.0.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@types/prosemirror-keymap 1.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@types/prosemirror-model 1.16.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@types/prosemirror-schema-list 1.0.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@types/prosemirror-state 1.2.8 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@types/prosemirror-transform 1.1.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@types/prosemirror-view 1.23.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@types/tern 0.23.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@types/unist 2.0.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@vue/component-compiler-utils 3.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@webassemblyjs/ast 1.9.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@webassemblyjs/floating-point-hex-parser 1.9.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@webassemblyjs/helper-api-error 1.9.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@webassemblyjs/helper-buffer 1.9.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@webassemblyjs/helper-code-frame 1.9.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@webassemblyjs/helper-fsm 1.9.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
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@webassemblyjs/wasm-gen 1.9.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
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@webassemblyjs/wasm-parser 1.9.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@webassemblyjs/wast-parser 1.9.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
@webassemblyjs/wast-printer 1.9.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
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@xtuc/long 4.2.2 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
RedCloth 4.3.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
acme-client 2.0.9 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
acorn 8.7.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
acorn-walk 8.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
actioncable MIT acceptable Acceptable license
actionmailbox MIT acceptable Acceptable license
actionmailer MIT acceptable Acceptable license
actionpack MIT acceptable Acceptable license
actiontext MIT acceptable Acceptable license
actionview MIT acceptable Acceptable license
activejob MIT acceptable Acceptable license
activemodel MIT acceptable Acceptable license
activerecord MIT acceptable Acceptable license
activerecord-explain-analyze 0.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
activestorage MIT acceptable Acceptable license
activesupport MIT acceptable Acceptable license
acts-as-taggable-on 9.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
addressable 2.8.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
aes_key_wrap 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
agent-base 4.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
aggregate-error 3.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ajv 6.12.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ajv-errors 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ajv-keywords 3.5.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
akismet 3.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
android_key_attestation 0.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ansi-styles 4.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
anymatch 3.1.2 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
apollo-upload-client 15.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
apollo_upload_server 2.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
aproba 1.2.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
argparse 2.0.1 Python-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
arr-diff 4.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
arr-flatten 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
arr-union 3.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
array-union 2.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
array-unique 0.3.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
asana 0.10.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
asciidoctor 2.0.15 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
asciidoctor-include-ext 0.4.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
asciidoctor-kroki 0.5.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
asciidoctor-plantuml 0.0.12 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
asn1.js 4.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
assert 1.4.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
assign-symbols 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ast 2.4.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
atlassian-jwt 0.2.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
atob 2.1.2 (MIT OR Apache-2.0) acceptable Acceptable license
attr_encrypted 3.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
attr_required 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
autoprefixer-rails MIT acceptable Acceptable license
autosize 5.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
awrence 1.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
aws-eventstream 1.1.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
aws-partitions 1.345.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
aws-sdk 2.637.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
aws-sdk-cloudformation 1.41.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
aws-sdk-core 3.104.3 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
aws-sdk-kms 1.36.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
aws-sdk-s3 1.75.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
aws-sigv4 1.2.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
axios 0.24.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
azure-storage-blob 2.0.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
azure-storage-common 2.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
babel-loader 8.2.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node 2.3.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
babel-plugin-lodash 3.3.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
babosa 1.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
bail 2.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
balanced-match 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
base 0.11.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
base32 0.3.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
base64-js 1.5.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
batch-loader 2.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
bcrypt 3.1.16 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
benchmark-memory 0.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
big.js 5.2.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
binary-extensions 2.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
binaryextensions 2.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
bindata 2.4.10 ruby acceptable Acceptable license
bluebird 3.5.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
bn.js 4.11.9 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
bootsnap 1.9.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
bootstrap 4.5.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
bootstrap-vue 2.20.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
bootstrap_form 4.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
brace-expansion 1.1.11 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
braces 3.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
brorand 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
browser 4.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
browserify-aes 1.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
browserify-cipher 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
browserify-des 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
browserify-rsa 4.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
browserify-sign 4.0.4 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
browserify-zlib 0.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
browserslist 4.19.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
buffer 4.9.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
buffer-from 1.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
buffer-json 2.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
buffer-xor 1.0.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
builder 3.2.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
builtin-status-codes 3.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
cacache 15.0.5 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
cache-base 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
cache-loader 4.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
call-bind 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
camelcase 5.3.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
caniuse-lite 1.0.30001302 CC-BY-4.0 acceptable Acceptable license
canvas-confetti 1.4.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
carrierwave 1.3.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
cbor Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
chalk 4.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
character-entities 2.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
character_set 1.4.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
charlock_holmes 0.7.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
chef-config 16.10.17 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
chef-utils 16.10.17 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
chokidar 3.5.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
chownr 2.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
chrome-trace-event 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
chunky_png 1.3.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
cipher-base 1.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
citrus 3.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
claide 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
claide-plugins 0.9.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
class-utils 0.3.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
clean-stack 2.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
clipboard 2.0.8 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
clone-deep 4.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
codemirror 5.53.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
codesandbox-api 0.0.23 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
codesandbox-import-util-types 1.2.11 LGPL acceptable Acceptable license
codesandbox-import-utils 1.2.11 LGPL acceptable Acceptable license
collection-visit 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
color-convert 2.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
color-name 1.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
colored2 3.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
colorette 2.0.16 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
comma-separated-tokens 2.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
commander 7.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
commondir 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
commonmarker 0.23.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
component-emitter 1.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
compression-webpack-plugin 5.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
concat-map 0.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
concat-stream 1.6.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
connection_pool 2.2.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
consola 2.15.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
console-browserify 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
consolidate 0.15.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
constants-browserify 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
contracts 0.11.0 BSD acceptable Acceptable license
convert-source-map 1.8.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
copy-concurrently 1.0.5 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
copy-descriptor 0.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
copy-webpack-plugin 6.4.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
core-js 3.22.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
core-js-compat 3.15.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
core-util-is 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
cork 0.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
cose 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
countries 3.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
crack 0.4.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
crass 1.0.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
create-ecdh 4.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
create-hash 1.1.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
create-hmac 1.1.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
creole 0.5.0 ruby acceptable Acceptable license
cron-validator 1.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
cronstrue 1.122.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
cropper 2.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
cross-spawn 7.0.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
crypto-browserify 3.12.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
css-loader 2.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
css_parser 1.7.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
cssesc 3.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
cyclist 0.2.2 MIT* acceptable Acceptable license
d3 7.0.4 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-array 3.0.4 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-axis 3.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-brush 3.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-chord 3.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-collection 1.0.7 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
d3-color 3.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-contour 3.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-delaunay 6.0.2 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-dispatch 3.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-drag 3.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-dsv 3.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-ease 3.0.1 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
d3-fetch 3.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-force 3.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-format 3.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-geo 3.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-hierarchy 3.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-interpolate 3.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-path 3.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-polygon 3.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-quadtree 3.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-random 3.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-sankey 0.12.3 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
d3-scale 4.0.2 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-scale-chromatic 3.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-selection 3.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-shape 3.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-time 3.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-time-format 4.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-timer 3.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-transition 3.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
d3-voronoi 1.1.4 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
d3-zoom 3.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
dagre 0.8.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
dagre-d3 0.6.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
danger 8.5.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
danger-gitlab 8.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
date-now 0.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
dateformat 5.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
de-indent 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
debug 4.3.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
deckar01-task_list 2.3.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
declarative 0.0.20 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
declarative-option 0.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
declarative_policy 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
decode-named-character-reference 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
decode-uri-component 0.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
default_value_for 3.4.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
define-properties 1.1.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
define-property 2.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
delaunator 5.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
delegate 3.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
dequal 2.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
des.js 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
device_detector 1.0.0 LGPL acceptable Acceptable license
devise 4.7.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
devise-two-factor 4.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
diff 5.0.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
diff_match_patch 0.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
diffie-hellman 5.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
diffy 3.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
dir-glob 3.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
discordrb-webhooks 3.4.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
docile 1.4.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
docutils 0.13.1 BSD, GNU General Public License (GPL), Public Domain, Python Software Foundation License acceptable Acceptable license
domain-browser 1.1.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
domain_name 0.5.20190701 Mozilla Public License 2.0, New BSD, Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
dompurify 2.3.8 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
doorkeeper 5.5.0.rc2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
doorkeeper-openid_connect 1.7.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
dotenv 2.7.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
dropzone 4.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
dry-configurable 0.12.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
dry-container 0.7.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
dry-core 0.5.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
dry-equalizer 0.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
dry-inflector 0.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
dry-logic 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
dry-types 1.4.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
duplexer 0.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
duplexify 3.7.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
echarts 5.2.2 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
ecma-re-validator 0.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
editions 1.3.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
editorconfig 0.15.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
elasticsearch 7.13.3 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
elasticsearch-api 7.13.3 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
elasticsearch-model 7.2.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
elasticsearch-rails 7.2.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
elasticsearch-transport 7.13.3 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
electron-to-chromium 1.4.53 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
elliptic 6.5.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
email_reply_trimmer 0.1.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
emoji-regex 10.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
emojis-list 3.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
encryptor 3.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
end-of-stream 1.4.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
enhanced-resolve 4.5.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
entities 2.1.0 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
envinfo 7.8.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
errno 0.1.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
erubi 1.9.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
es6-promise 4.2.8 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
es6-promisify 5.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
escalade 3.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
escape-string-regexp 1.0.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
escape_utils 1.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
eslint-scope 4.0.3 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
esprima 4.0.1 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
esrecurse 4.3.0 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
estraverse 5.2.0 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
esutils 2.0.3 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
et-orbi 1.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ethon 0.15.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
eve-raphael 0.5.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
events 3.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
evp_bytestokey 1.0.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
excon 0.90.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
execa 5.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
execjs 2.8.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
expand-brackets 2.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
expression_parser 0.9.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
extend 3.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
extend-shallow 3.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
extglob 2.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
extract-files 10.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
faraday 1.10.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
faraday-cookie_jar 0.0.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
faraday-em_http 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
faraday-em_synchrony 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
faraday-excon 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
faraday-http-cache 2.2.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
faraday-httpclient 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
faraday-multipart 1.0.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
faraday-net_http 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
faraday-net_http_persistent 1.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
faraday-patron 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
faraday-rack 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
faraday-retry 1.0.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
faraday_middleware 1.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
faraday_middleware-aws-sigv4 0.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
faraday_middleware-multi_json 0.0.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fast-deep-equal 3.1.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fast-glob 3.2.11 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fast-json-stable-stringify 2.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fast-mersenne-twister 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fast_blank 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fast_gettext 2.1.0 MIT, ruby acceptable Acceptable license
fastest-levenshtein 1.0.12 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fastq 1.13.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
fault 2.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ffi 1.15.5 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
ffi-compiler 1.0.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
ffi-yajl 2.3.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
figgy-pudding 3.5.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
file-loader 6.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fill-range 7.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
find-cache-dir 3.3.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
find-up 4.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
flipper 0.21.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
flipper-active_record 0.21.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
flipper-active_support_cache_store 0.21.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
flowdock 0.7.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
flush-write-stream 1.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fog-aliyun 0.3.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fog-aws 3.12.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fog-core 2.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fog-google 1.15.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fog-json 1.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fog-local 0.6.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fog-openstack 1.0.8 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fog-rackspace 0.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fog-xml 0.1.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
follow-redirects 1.14.8 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
for-in 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
format 0.2.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
formatador 0.2.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fragment-cache 0.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
from2 2.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fs-minipass 2.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
fs-write-stream-atomic 1.0.10 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
fs.realpath 1.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
fugit 1.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
function-bind 1.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fuzzaldrin-plus 0.6.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
fuzzyurl 0.9.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gensync 1.0.0-beta.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
get-intrinsic 1.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
get-stream 6.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
get-value 2.0.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
get_process_mem 0.2.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gettext_i18n_rails 1.8.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gettext_i18n_rails_js 1.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
git 1.7.0 MIT acceptable Whitelisted software
gitaly 14.10.0.pre.rc1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
github-markup 1.7.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab 4.16.1 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-chronic 0.10.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-dangerfiles 3.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-experiment 0.7.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-fog-azure-rm 1.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-labkit 0.22.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-license 2.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-license_finder MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-mail_room 0.0.9 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-markup 1.8.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-net-dns 0.9.1 ruby acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-omniauth-openid-connect 0.9.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher 0.8.0 LGPL acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab_chronic_duration MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab_omniauth-ldap 2.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
glob 7.2.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
glob-parent 5.1.2 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
globalid 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
globals 11.12.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
globby 11.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gon 6.4.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
good-listener 1.2.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
google-api-client 0.50.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
google-cloud-env 1.5.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
google-protobuf 3.19.4 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
googleapis-common-protos-types 1.3.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
googleauth 0.14.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
graceful-fs 4.2.10 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
grape 1.5.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
grape-entity 0.10.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
grape-path-helpers 1.7.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
grape_logging 1.8.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
graphiql-rails 1.8.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
graphlib 2.1.8 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
graphlient 0.5.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
graphql 15.7.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
graphql-client 0.17.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
graphql-tag 2.12.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
grpc 1.42.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
gssapi 1.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gzip-size 6.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
hamlit 2.15.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
hana 1.3.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
hangouts-chat 0.0.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
has 1.0.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
has-flag 4.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
has-symbols 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
has-value 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
has-values 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
hash-base 3.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
hash-sum 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
hash.js 1.1.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
hashie 4.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
hashie-forbidden_attributes 0.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
hast-to-hyperscript 10.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
hast-util-from-parse5 7.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
hast-util-parse-selector 3.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
hast-util-raw 7.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
hast-util-to-parse5 7.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
hast-util-to-string 2.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
hastscript 7.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
he 1.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
health_check 3.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
highlight.js 11.4.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
hmac-drbg 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
hoist-non-react-statics 3.3.2 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
html-pipeline 2.13.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
html-void-elements 2.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
html2text 0.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
htmlentities 4.3.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
http 4.4.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
http-accept 1.7.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
http-cookie 1.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
http-form_data 2.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
http-parser 1.2.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
http-proxy-agent 2.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
httparty 0.16.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
httpclient 2.8.3 ruby acceptable Acceptable license
https-browserify 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
https-proxy-agent 2.2.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
human-signals 2.1.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
i18n 1.10.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
i18n_data 0.8.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
icalendar 2.4.1 ruby acceptable Acceptable license
iconv-lite 0.6.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
icss-replace-symbols 1.1.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
icss-utils 4.1.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
ieee754 1.1.13 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
iferr 0.1.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
iframe-resizer 4.3.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ignore 5.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
imagen 0.1.8 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
immediate 3.0.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
immer 7.0.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
import-local 3.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
imurmurhash 0.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
indent-string 4.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
infer-owner 1.0.4 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
inflight 1.0.6 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
inherits 2.0.4 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
inline-style-parser 0.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
internmap 2.0.3 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
interpret 2.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
invariant 2.2.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
invisible_captcha 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ipaddr.js 1.9.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ipaddress 0.8.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ipynbdiff 0.4.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
is-accessor-descriptor 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
is-binary-path 2.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
is-buffer 2.0.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
is-core-module 2.8.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
is-data-descriptor 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
is-descriptor 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
is-extendable 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
is-extglob 2.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
is-glob 4.0.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
is-number 7.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
is-plain-obj 4.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
is-plain-object 2.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
is-stream 2.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
is-windows 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
is-wsl 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
isarray 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
isexe 2.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
isobject 3.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
istextorbinary 2.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
jaeger-client 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
jed 1.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
jira-ruby 2.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
jmespath 1.4.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
jquery 3.6.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
jquery.caret 0.3.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
js-cookie 3.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
js-tokens 4.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
js-yaml 3.14.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
js_regex 3.7.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
jsesc 2.5.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
json 2.5.1 ruby acceptable Acceptable license
json-jwt 1.13.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
json-parse-better-errors 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
json-schema-traverse 0.4.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
json5 2.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
json_schemer 0.2.18 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
jsonc-parser 2.3.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
jsonpath 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
jszip 3.1.3 (MIT OR GPL-3.0) acceptable Acceptable license
jszip-utils 0.0.2 MIT or GPLv3 acceptable Acceptable license
jwt 2.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
kaminari 1.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
kaminari-actionview 1.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
kaminari-activerecord 1.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
kaminari-core 1.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
kas-grpc 0.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
katex 0.13.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
khroma 2.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
kind-of 6.0.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
kleur 4.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
kramdown 2.3.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
kramdown-parser-gfm 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
kubeclient 4.9.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
leven 3.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
levenary 1.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
libyajl2 1.2.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
licensee 9.14.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
lie 3.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
linkify-it 3.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
linkifyjs 3.0.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
loader-runner 2.4.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
loader-utils 2.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
locale 2.1.3 LGPLv3+, ruby acceptable Acceptable license
locate-path 5.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
lockbox 0.6.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
lodash 4.17.21 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
lodash.isequal 4.5.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
lograge 0.11.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
loofah 2.16.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
loose-envify 1.4.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
lowlight 2.5.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
lru-cache 6.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
lru_redux 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
lz-string 1.4.4 WTFPL acceptable Acceptable license
mail 2.7.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mail-smtp_pool 0.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
make-dir 3.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
map-cache 0.2.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
map-visit 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
marcel 1.0.2 Apache 2.0, MIT acceptable Acceptable license
marginalia 1.10.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
markdown-it 12.3.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
marked 0.3.19 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mathjax 3.1.2 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
md5.js 1.3.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mdast-util-definitions 5.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mdast-util-from-markdown 1.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mdast-util-to-hast 12.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mdast-util-to-string 3.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mdurl 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
memoist 0.16.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
memory-fs 0.5.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
memory_profiler 0.9.14 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
merge-source-map 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
merge-stream 2.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
merge2 1.4.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mermaid 9.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
method_source 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark 3.0.10 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-core-commonmark 1.0.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-factory-destination 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-factory-label 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-factory-space 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-factory-title 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-factory-whitespace 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-util-character 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-util-chunked 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-util-classify-character 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-util-combine-extensions 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-util-decode-numeric-character-reference 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-util-decode-string 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-util-encode 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-util-html-tag-name 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-util-normalize-identifier 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-util-resolve-all 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-util-sanitize-uri 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-util-subtokenize 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-util-symbol 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromark-util-types 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
micromatch 4.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
miller-rabin 4.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mime 2.4.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mime-db 1.52.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mime-types 3.3.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mime-types-data 3.2020.0512 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mimic-fn 2.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mini_magick 4.10.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mini_mime 1.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mini_portile2 2.8.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
minimalistic-assert 1.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
minimalistic-crypto-utils 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
minimatch 3.0.4 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
minimist 1.2.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
minipass 3.1.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
minipass-collect 1.0.2 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
minipass-flush 1.0.5 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
minipass-pipeline 1.2.2 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
minizlib 2.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mississippi 3.0.0 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
mixin-deep 1.3.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mixlib-cli 2.1.8 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
mixlib-config 3.0.9 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
mixlib-log 3.0.9 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
mixlib-shellout 3.2.5 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
mkdirp 1.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
moment-mini 2.24.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
monaco-editor 0.25.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
monaco-editor-webpack-plugin 4.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
monaco-yaml 2.5.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mousetrap 1.6.5 Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception acceptable Acceptable license
move-concurrently 1.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
mri 1.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ms 2.1.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ms_rest 0.7.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ms_rest_azure 0.12.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
msgpack 1.5.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
multi_json 1.14.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
multi_xml 0.6.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
multipart-post 2.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
murmurhash3 0.1.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mustermann 1.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mustermann-grape 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
nanoid 3.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
nanomatch 1.2.13 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
nap 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
neo-async 2.6.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
net-http-persistent 4.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
net-ldap 0.16.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
net-ntp 2.1.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
net-scp 3.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
net-ssh 6.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
netrc 0.11.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
nio4r 2.5.8 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
no_proxy_fix 0.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
node-ensure 0.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
node-fetch 2.6.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
node-libs-browser 2.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
node-releases 2.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
nokogiri 1.13.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
normalize-path 3.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
npm-run-path 4.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
numerizer 0.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
oauth 0.5.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
oauth2 1.4.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
object-assign 4.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
object-copy 0.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
object-keys 1.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
object-visit 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
object.assign 4.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
object.pick 1.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
octokit 4.20.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ohai 16.10.6 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
oj 3.10.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth 1.9.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth-alicloud 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth-atlassian-oauth2 0.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth-auth0 2.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth-authentiq 0.3.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth-azure-activedirectory-v2 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth-azure-oauth2 0.0.10 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth-cas3 1.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth-dingtalk-oauth2 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth-facebook 4.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth-github 1.4.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth-gitlab 1.0.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth-google-oauth2 0.6.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth-oauth 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth-oauth2 1.7.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth-oauth2-generic 0.2.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth-salesforce 1.0.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth-saml 1.10.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth-shibboleth 1.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth-twitter 1.4.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omniauth_crowd 2.4.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
once 1.4.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
onetime 5.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
open4 1.3.4 ruby acceptable Acceptable license
opener 1.5.2 (WTFPL OR MIT) acceptable Acceptable license
openid_connect 1.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
openssl 2.2.0 ruby acceptable Acceptable license
openssl-signature_algorithm 0.4.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
opentracing 0.5.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
optimism 0.16.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
optimist 3.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
orderedmap 1.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
org-ruby 0.9.12 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
orm_adapter 0.5.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
os 1.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
os-browserify 0.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
p-limit 3.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
p-locate 4.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
p-map 4.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
p-try 2.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
pako 1.0.6 (MIT AND Zlib) acceptable Acceptable license
papaparse 5.3.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
parallel-transform 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
parse-asn1 5.1.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
parse5 6.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
parser MIT acceptable Acceptable license
parslet 1.8.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
pascalcase 0.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
path-browserify 0.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
path-exists 4.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
path-is-absolute 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
path-key 3.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
path-parse 1.0.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
path-type 4.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
pbkdf2 3.0.14 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
pdfjs-dist 2.1.266 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
peek 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
pg 1.2.3 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
pg_query 2.1.1 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
picocolors 1.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
picomatch 2.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
pify 4.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
pikaday 1.8.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
pkg-dir 4.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
plist 3.6.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
po_to_json 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
popper.js 1.16.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
portal-vue 2.1.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
posix-character-classes 0.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
postcss 8.4.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
postcss-modules-extract-imports 2.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
postcss-modules-local-by-default 2.0.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
postcss-modules-scope 2.2.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
postcss-modules-values 2.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
postcss-selector-parser 6.0.9 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
postcss-value-parser 3.3.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
premailer 1.11.1 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
premailer-rails 1.10.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
prettier 2.0.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
prismjs 1.21.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
private 0.1.8 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
process 0.11.10 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
process-nextick-args 2.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
prometheus-client-mmap 0.15.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
promise-inflight 1.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
prop-types 15.7.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
property-information 6.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
prosemirror-commands 1.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
prosemirror-dropcursor 1.4.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
prosemirror-gapcursor 1.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
prosemirror-history 1.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
prosemirror-keymap 1.1.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
prosemirror-markdown 1.8.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
prosemirror-model 1.16.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
prosemirror-schema-list 1.1.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
prosemirror-state 1.3.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
prosemirror-tables 1.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
prosemirror-transform 1.3.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
prosemirror-view 1.23.13 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
prr 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
pseudomap 1.0.2 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
public-encrypt 4.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
public_suffix 4.0.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
puma 5.6.2 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
puma_worker_killer 0.3.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
pump 3.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
pumpify 1.5.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
punycode 2.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
pyu-ruby-sasl MIT acceptable Acceptable license
querystring 0.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
querystring-es3 0.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
queue-microtask 1.2.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
raabro 1.1.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
racc 1.6.0 Simplified BSD, ruby acceptable Acceptable license
rack MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rack-accept 0.4.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rack-attack 6.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rack-cors 1.0.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rack-oauth2 1.16.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rack-proxy 0.7.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rack-test 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rack-timeout 0.5.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rails MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rails-dom-testing 2.0.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rails-html-sanitizer 1.4.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rails-i18n 6.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
railties MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rainbow 3.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rake 13.0.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
randombytes 2.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
randomfill 1.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
raphael 2.2.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
raw-loader 4.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rbtrace 0.4.14 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rbtree 0.4.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rchardet 1.8.0 LGPL acceptable Acceptable license
rdoc 6.3.2 ruby acceptable Acceptable license
re2 1.2.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
react-is 16.13.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
readable-stream 2.3.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
readdirp 3.6.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
recaptcha 4.13.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rechoir 0.7.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
recursive-open-struct 1.1.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
redis 4.4.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
redis-actionpack 5.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
redis-namespace 1.8.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
redis-rack 2.1.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
redis-store 1.9.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
regenerate 1.4.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
regenerate-unicode-properties 8.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
regenerator-runtime 0.13.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
regenerator-transform 0.14.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
regex-not 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
regexp_parser 2.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
regexp_property_values 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
regexpu-core 4.7.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
regjsgen 0.5.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
regjsparser 0.6.4 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
rehype-raw 6.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
remark-parse 10.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
remark-rehype 10.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
repeat-element 1.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
repeat-string 1.6.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
representable 3.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
request-light 0.2.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
request_store 1.5.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
require-package-name 2.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
resolve 1.22.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
resolve-cwd 3.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
resolve-from 5.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
resolve-url 0.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
responders 3.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rest-client 2.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ret 0.1.15 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
retriable 3.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
reusify 1.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
reverse_markdown 1.4.0 WTFPL acceptable Acceptable license
rexml 3.2.5 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
rimraf 3.0.2 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
rinku 2.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
ripemd160 2.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
robust-predicates 3.0.1 Unlicense acceptable Acceptable license
rope-sequence 1.3.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rotp 6.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rouge 3.27.0 MIT, Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
rqrcode 0.7.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rqrcode-rails3 0.1.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ruby-fogbugz 0.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ruby-magic 0.5.4 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
ruby-prof 1.3.1 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
ruby-progressbar 1.11.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ruby-saml 1.13.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ruby2_keywords 0.0.5 Simplified BSD, ruby acceptable Acceptable license
ruby_parser 3.15.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rubyntlm 0.6.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rubypants 0.2.0 BSD acceptable Acceptable license
rubyzip 2.3.2 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
rugged 1.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
run-parallel 1.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
run-queue 1.0.3 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
rw 1.3.3 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
sade 1.8.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
safe-buffer 5.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
safe-regex 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
safe_yaml 1.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
safer-buffer 2.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
safety_net_attestation 0.4.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sanitize 6.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sassc 2.4.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sassc-rails 2.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sawyer 0.8.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sax 1.2.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
schema-utils 3.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
scrollparent 2.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
sd_notify 0.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
securecompare 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
seed-fu 2.3.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
select 1.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
select2 3.5.2-browserify Apache* acceptable Whitelisted software
semver 7.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
sentry-rails 5.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sentry-raven 3.1.2 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
sentry-ruby 5.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sentry-ruby-core 5.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sentry-sidekiq 5.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
serialize-javascript 5.0.1 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
set 1.0.1 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
set-value 2.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
setimmediate 1.0.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
settingslogic 2.0.9 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sexp_processor 4.15.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sha.js 2.4.10 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
shallow-clone 3.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
shebang-command 2.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
shebang-regex 3.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sidekiq 6.4.0 LGPL acceptable Acceptable license
sidekiq-cron 1.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sigmund 1.0.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
signal-exit 3.0.6 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
signet 0.14.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
simplecov 0.21.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
simplecov-cobertura 1.3.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
simplecov-html 0.12.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
simplecov-lcov 0.8.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
simplecov_json_formatter 0.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sirv 1.0.11 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sixarm_ruby_unaccent 1.2.0 Apache 2.0, Artistic-2.0, GPL-3.0, MIT, Mozilla Public License 2.0, New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
slack-messenger 2.3.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
slash 3.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
smooshpack 0.0.62 LGPL acceptable Acceptable license
snapdragon 0.8.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
snapdragon-node 2.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
snapdragon-util 3.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
snowplow-tracker 0.6.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
sortablejs 1.10.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sorted_set 1.0.3 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
source-list-map 2.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
source-map 0.6.1 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
source-map-js 1.0.2 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
source-map-resolve 0.5.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
source-map-support 0.5.20 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
source-map-url 0.4.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
space-separated-tokens 2.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
spamcheck 0.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
split-string 3.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sprintf-js 1.0.3 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
sprockets 3.7.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sprockets-rails 3.4.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ssh_data 1.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ssrf_filter 1.0.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ssri 8.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
stackprof 0.2.15 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
state_machines 0.5.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
state_machines-activemodel 0.8.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
state_machines-activerecord 0.8.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
static-extend 0.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
stream-browserify 2.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
stream-each 1.2.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
stream-http 2.8.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
stream-shift 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
string-hash 1.1.3 CC0-1.0 acceptable Acceptable license
string_decoder 1.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
strip-final-newline 2.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
style-loader 2.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
style-to-object 0.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
stylis 4.0.10 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
supports-color 7.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
supports-preserve-symlinks-flag 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
swagger-ui-dist 4.8.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
swd 1.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
symbol-observable 4.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
sys-filesystem 1.4.3 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
tanuki_emoji 0.6.0 Apache 2.0, MIT acceptable Acceptable license
tapable 1.1.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
tar 6.0.5 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
temple 0.8.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
terminal-table 1.8.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
terser 4.3.1 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
terser-webpack-plugin 1.4.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
text 1.3.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
textextensions 2.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
thor 1.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
three 0.84.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
three-orbit-controls 82.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
three-stl-loader 1.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
thrift 0.14.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
throttle-debounce 2.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
through2 2.0.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
tilt 2.0.10 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
timeago.js 4.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
timeliness 0.3.10 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
timers-browserify 2.0.10 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
timfel-krb5-auth 0.8.3 LGPL acceptable Acceptable license
tiny-emitter 2.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
tippy.js 6.3.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
to-arraybuffer 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
to-fast-properties 2.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
to-object-path 0.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
to-regex 3.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
to-regex-range 5.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
toml-rb 2.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
tomlrb 1.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
totalist 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
tpm-key_attestation 0.9.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
tr46 0.0.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
train-core 3.4.9 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
trough 2.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
truncato 0.7.11 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ts-invariant 0.9.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
tslib 2.3.0 BSD Zero Clause License acceptable Acceptable license
tty-browserify 0.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
typedarray 0.0.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
typhoeus 1.4.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
tzinfo 2.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
u2f 0.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
uber 0.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
uc.micro 1.0.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
undercover 0.4.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
unf 0.1.4 BSD acceptable Acceptable license
unf_ext 0.0.8 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript 1.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
unicode-display_width 1.7.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
unicode-match-property-ecmascript 1.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript 1.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript 1.0.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
unicode_utils 1.4.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
unified 10.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
union-value 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
unique-filename 1.1.1 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
unique-slug 2.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
unist-builder 3.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
unist-util-generated 2.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
unist-util-is 5.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
unist-util-position 4.0.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
unist-util-stringify-position 3.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
unist-util-visit 4.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
unist-util-visit-parents 5.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
unleash 3.2.2 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
unset-value 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
uri-js 4.4.1 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
uri_template 0.7.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
urix 0.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
url 0.11.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
url-loader 4.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
use 3.1.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
util 0.11.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
util-deprecate 1.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
uuid 8.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
uvu 0.5.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
valid_email 0.1.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
validate_email 0.1.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
validate_url 1.0.13 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
validates_hostname 1.0.11 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
version_sorter 2.2.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vfile 5.3.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vfile-location 4.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vfile-message 3.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
view_component 2.50.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
visibilityjs 1.2.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vm-browserify 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vmstat 2.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vscode-json-languageservice 3.9.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vscode-jsonrpc 4.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vscode-languageserver 5.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vscode-languageserver-protocol 3.14.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vscode-languageserver-textdocument 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vscode-languageserver-types 3.16.0-next.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vscode-nls 5.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vscode-uri 2.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vue 2.6.12 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vue-apollo 3.0.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vue-functional-data-merge 3.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vue-hot-reload-api 2.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vue-loader 15.9.6 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vue-observe-visibility 1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vue-resize 1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vue-router 3.4.9 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vue-runtime-helpers 1.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vue-style-loader 4.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vue-template-compiler 2.6.12 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vue-template-es2015-compiler 1.9.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vue-virtual-scroll-list 1.4.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vuedraggable 2.23.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
vuex 3.6.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
w3c-keyname 2.2.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
warden 1.2.8 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
warning 1.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
watchpack 1.7.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
watchpack-chokidar2 2.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
web-namespaces 2.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
web-vitals 0.2.4 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
webauthn 2.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
webfinger 1.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
webidl-conversions 3.0.1 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
webpack 4.46.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
webpack-bundle-analyzer 4.5.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
webpack-cli 4.9.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
webpack-merge 5.8.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
webpack-sources 1.4.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
webpack-stats-plugin 0.3.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
webrick 1.6.1 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license
websocket-driver 0.7.5 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
websocket-extensions 0.1.5 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
whatwg-url 5.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
which 2.0.2 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
wikicloth 0.8.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
wildcard 2.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
with_env 1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
wmi-lite 1.0.5 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
worker-farm 1.7.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
worker-loader 2.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
wrappy 1.0.2 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
ws 7.5.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
xml-simple 1.1.5 ruby acceptable Acceptable license
xml2js 0.4.19 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
xmlbuilder 9.0.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
xtend 4.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
xterm 3.14.5 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
y18n 4.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
yajl-ruby 1.4.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
yallist 4.0.0 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
yaml 2.0.0-10 ISC acceptable Acceptable license
yaml-ast-parser-custom-tags 0.0.43 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
yaml-language-server 0.11.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
yocto-queue 0.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
zeitwerk 2.5.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
zen-observable 0.8.15 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
zen-observable-ts 1.2.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
zrender 5.2.1 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license
zwitch 2.0.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.92.2 Apache 2.0, New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.1.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.2.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.13.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v14.2.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.11.18 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.9.13 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.3.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.2.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.6.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.3.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.7.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.38.35 Apache 2.0, New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.3.0 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210507211836-431795d63e8d MPL acceptable Acceptable license v1.1.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v2.1.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20160403171240-cbb64ac3d964 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.6.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.2.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v3.2.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.2.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v3.2.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v4.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20190419222130-af0f2af80721 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210331224755-41bb18bfe9da Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.5.2 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v2.0.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.5.6 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210804190019-f964ff605595 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.2.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.5.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v2.0.5 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.4.1 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.3.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.2.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210316155119-a95892c5f864 Mozilla Public License 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.4.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.0.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v2.0.2 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.2.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.9.1 Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license v1.12.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.2.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.32.1 Apache 2.0, New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.7.3 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210106013422-671bd2870b3a MIT acceptable Acceptable license v1.8.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v2.29.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v2.4.1 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.68.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v14.10.0-rc1.0.20220426135705-ccfab390f7c3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.1.1 New BSD acceptable Whitelisted software v1.14.0 MIT, Simplified BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.23.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.7.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license v0.23.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210921155107-089bfa567519 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20191009234506-e7c1f5e7dbb8 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20211008194852-3b03d305991f New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210805134026-6f1e6394065a New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210220032951-036812b2e83c New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20220114195835-da31bd327af9 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.3.7 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20200804184101-5ec99f83aff1 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.54.0 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v0.0.0-20210813162853-db860fec028c Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.40.0 Apache 2.0 acceptable Acceptable license v1.27.1 New BSD acceptable Acceptable license v2.4.0 Apache 2.0, MIT acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-redis-cli 7df9814b187b925c8330ac5003edc697 Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-scripts Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-selinux Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
gitlab-shell v14.3.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ruby 2.7.5 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
gnupg 2.2.23 LGPL-2.1 acceptable Acceptable license
libassuan 2.5.3 LGPL-2.1 acceptable Acceptable license
npth 1.6 LGPL-2.1 acceptable Acceptable license
libgcrypt 1.9.4 LGPL-2.1 acceptable Acceptable license
libksba 1.4.0 LGPL-3 acceptable Acceptable license
zlib v1.2.12 Zlib acceptable Acceptable license
bzip2 1.0.8 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
go-crond 21.5.0 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
gpgme 1.14.0 LGPL-2.1 acceptable Acceptable license
libassuan 2.5.3 LGPL-2.1 acceptable Acceptable license
gnupg 2.2.23 LGPL-2.1 acceptable Acceptable license
zlib v1.2.12 Zlib acceptable Acceptable license
grafana 7.5.15 APACHE-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
grafana-dashboards v1.9.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
grafana 7.5.15 APACHE-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
graphicsmagick 1.3.36 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
libpng v1.6.37 Libpng acceptable Acceptable license
libjpeg-turbo 2.1.2 BSD-3-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
libtiff v4.3.0 libtiff acceptable Acceptable license
zlib v1.2.12 Zlib acceptable Acceptable license
jemalloc 5.2.1 jemalloc acceptable Acceptable license
redis 6.2.6 BSD-3-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
krb5 krb5-1.17 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
openssl OpenSSL_1_1_1o OpenSSL acceptable Acceptable license
libassuan 2.5.3 LGPL-2.1 acceptable Acceptable license
libgpg-error 1.39 LGPL-2.1 acceptable Acceptable license
libedit 20120601-3.0 BSD-3-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
ncurses 6.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
config_guess c9092d05347c925a26f6887980e185206e13f9d6 GPL-3.0 (with exception) acceptable Whitelisted software
libffi 3.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
libtool 2.4.6 GPL-2.0 acceptable Whitelisted software
libgcrypt 1.9.4 LGPL-2.1 acceptable Acceptable license
libgpg-error 1.39 LGPL-2.1 acceptable Acceptable license
libgpg-error 1.39 LGPL-2.1 acceptable Acceptable license
libiconv 1.15 LGPL-2.1 acceptable Acceptable license
config_guess c9092d05347c925a26f6887980e185206e13f9d6 GPL-3.0 (with exception) acceptable Whitelisted software
libicu release-57-1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
libjpeg-turbo 2.1.2 BSD-3-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
zlib v1.2.12 Zlib acceptable Acceptable license
libksba 1.4.0 LGPL-3 acceptable Acceptable license
libgpg-error 1.39 LGPL-2.1 acceptable Acceptable license
liblzma 5.2.4 Public-Domain acceptable Acceptable license
libossp-uuid 1.6.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
config_guess c9092d05347c925a26f6887980e185206e13f9d6 GPL-3.0 (with exception) acceptable Whitelisted software
libpng v1.6.37 Libpng acceptable Acceptable license
zlib v1.2.12 Zlib acceptable Acceptable license
libre2 2016-02-01 BSD acceptable Acceptable license
libtiff v4.3.0 libtiff acceptable Acceptable license
libtool 2.4.6 GPL-2.0 acceptable Whitelisted software
zlib v1.2.12 Zlib acceptable Acceptable license
liblzma 5.2.4 Public-Domain acceptable Acceptable license
libjpeg-turbo 2.1.2 BSD-3-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
config_guess c9092d05347c925a26f6887980e185206e13f9d6 GPL-3.0 (with exception) acceptable Whitelisted software
libtool 2.4.6 GPL-2.0 acceptable Whitelisted software
config_guess c9092d05347c925a26f6887980e185206e13f9d6 GPL-3.0 (with exception) acceptable Whitelisted software
libxml2 2.9.10 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
zlib v1.2.12 Zlib acceptable Acceptable license
libiconv 1.15 LGPL-2.1 acceptable Acceptable license
liblzma 5.2.4 Public-Domain acceptable Acceptable license
config_guess c9092d05347c925a26f6887980e185206e13f9d6 GPL-3.0 (with exception) acceptable Whitelisted software
libxslt 1.1.32 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
libxml2 2.9.10 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
liblzma 5.2.4 Public-Domain acceptable Acceptable license
config_guess c9092d05347c925a26f6887980e185206e13f9d6 GPL-3.0 (with exception) acceptable Whitelisted software
libyaml 0.1.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
config_guess c9092d05347c925a26f6887980e185206e13f9d6 GPL-3.0 (with exception) acceptable Whitelisted software
logrotate 3.18.0 GPL-2.0 acceptable Whitelisted software
popt 1.16 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
mail_room 0.0.20 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ruby 2.7.5 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
mattermost 6.6.1 MIT with Trademark Protection acceptable Acceptable license
mixlib-log 3.0.9 Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
ruby 2.7.5 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
rubygems 3.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ncurses 6.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
config_guess c9092d05347c925a26f6887980e185206e13f9d6 GPL-3.0 (with exception) acceptable Whitelisted software
nginx release-1.20.1 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
pcre 8.44 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
zlib v1.2.12 Zlib acceptable Acceptable license
openssl OpenSSL_1_1_1o OpenSSL acceptable Acceptable license
nginx-module-vts v0.1.18 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
ngx_security_headers 0.0.9 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
nginx-module-vts v0.1.18 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
ngx_security_headers 0.0.9 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
node-exporter v1.3.1 APACHE-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
npth 1.6 LGPL-2.1 acceptable Acceptable license
ohai 15.12.0 Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
ruby 2.7.5 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
rubygems 3.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
omnibus-ctl Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
bundler 2.3.15 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rubygems 3.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
openssl OpenSSL_1_1_1o OpenSSL acceptable Acceptable license
cacerts 2021.09.30 MPL-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
package-scripts 15.0.5+ce.0 Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
pcre 8.44 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
libedit 20120601-3.0 BSD-3-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
ncurses 6.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
config_guess c9092d05347c925a26f6887980e185206e13f9d6 GPL-3.0 (with exception) acceptable Whitelisted software
pcre2 pcre2-10.37 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
libedit 20120601-3.0 BSD-3-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
ncurses 6.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
config_guess c9092d05347c925a26f6887980e185206e13f9d6 GPL-3.0 (with exception) acceptable Whitelisted software
libtool 2.4.6 GPL-2.0 acceptable Whitelisted software
pkg-config-lite 0.28-1 GPL-2.0 acceptable Whitelisted software
config_guess c9092d05347c925a26f6887980e185206e13f9d6 GPL-3.0 (with exception) acceptable Whitelisted software
popt 1.16 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
config_guess c9092d05347c925a26f6887980e185206e13f9d6 GPL-3.0 (with exception) acceptable Whitelisted software
postgres-exporter v0.10.0 Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
postgresql 12.10 PostgreSQL acceptable Acceptable license
zlib v1.2.12 Zlib acceptable Acceptable license
openssl OpenSSL_1_1_1o OpenSSL acceptable Acceptable license
libedit 20120601-3.0 BSD-3-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
ncurses 6.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
libossp-uuid 1.6.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
config_guess c9092d05347c925a26f6887980e185206e13f9d6 GPL-3.0 (with exception) acceptable Whitelisted software
postgresql_new 13.6 PostgreSQL acceptable Acceptable license
zlib v1.2.12 Zlib acceptable Acceptable license
openssl OpenSSL_1_1_1o OpenSSL acceptable Acceptable license
libedit 20120601-3.0 BSD-3-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
ncurses 6.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
libossp-uuid 1.6.2 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
config_guess c9092d05347c925a26f6887980e185206e13f9d6 GPL-3.0 (with exception) acceptable Whitelisted software
prometheus v2.30.4 APACHE-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
python-docutils 0.16 Public-Domain acceptable Acceptable license
python3 3.9.6 Python-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
python3 3.9.6 Python-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
libedit 20120601-3.0 BSD-3-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
ncurses 6.3 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
zlib v1.2.12 Zlib acceptable Acceptable license
openssl OpenSSL_1_1_1o OpenSSL acceptable Acceptable license
bzip2 1.0.8 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
libffi 3.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
liblzma 5.2.4 Public-Domain acceptable Acceptable license
libyaml 0.1.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rb-readline master BSD-3-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
ruby 2.7.5 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
rubygems 3.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
redis 6.2.6 BSD-3-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
config_guess c9092d05347c925a26f6887980e185206e13f9d6 GPL-3.0 (with exception) acceptable Whitelisted software
openssl OpenSSL_1_1_1o OpenSSL acceptable Acceptable license
redis-exporter v1.33.0 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
registry v3.39.2-gitlab Apache-2.0 acceptable Acceptable license
remote-syslog 1.6.15 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ruby 2.7.5 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
rubygems 3.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
rsync 3.1.3 GPL v3 acceptable Whitelisted software
popt 1.16 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ruby 2.7.5 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
zlib v1.2.12 Zlib acceptable Acceptable license
openssl OpenSSL_1_1_1o OpenSSL acceptable Acceptable license
libffi 3.2.1 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
libyaml 0.1.7 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
libiconv 1.15 LGPL-2.1 acceptable Acceptable license
rubygems 3.1.4 MIT acceptable Acceptable license
ruby 2.7.5 BSD-2-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
runit 2.1.2 BSD-3-Clause acceptable Acceptable license
unzip 6.0 Info-ZIP acceptable Acceptable license
version-manifest 0.0.1 project_license acceptable Acceptable license
zlib v1.2.12 Zlib acceptable Acceptable license